Centreville-Chicopee Community Garden
Open to: Centreville- Chicopee, Idlewood and Grand River South Residents
Number of Plots: 3
Cost: $20.00
Services Provided: water from rain barrel and tap
Our community garden started in 2019 as a collaboration between the Centreville-Chicopee Community Association and Christ the King United Church. We received a Love Your Hood grant in 2019, as well as funding from United Way to get our garden started. We hope our garden will inspire community members to grow food they enjoy and embrace local agriculture, and for the garden itself to be a location for intergenerational connection and as a space for relaxation, sharing and belonging. Due to our limited # of plots, our garden plots are currently not open to residents from neighbouring areas. We hope to expand our plots in 2021 and beyond!
Coordinator is Anum Urooj-Sage
Contact Information
Email: kirsten.howells@kitchener.ca
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cccgarden/
Phone: 519-741-2490
Christ the King United Church property
167 Thaler Ave Kitchener, ON N2A 1R4