School Gardens

School Gardens

The Waterloo Region School Food Garden project was launched by WRCGN to get more youth involved with gardening so that they may enjoy its many health and educational benefits. The project was initially funded by the Healthy Kids Community Challenge and was created in partnership with the Waterloo Region Community Garden Network (WRCGN), Seeds of Diversity and Region of Waterloo Public Health Emergency Services. It is currently a three year project of Seeds of Diversity funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Twenty-six school food gardens have started since the start of the project!

See their website and YouTube videos to get inspired!

Original research was conducted with the Waterloo Region School Board to develop best practices and recommendations for school gardens in Waterloo Region. The conclusion is that school gardens are a tool for well-being; improving academic outcomes, increasing physical activity, reducing stress and increasing a sense of school community. To find out more, please read Gardens for Healthy Schools: a Scan of School Gardens in Waterloo Region.

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