Christopher Champlain Cultivating Community Garden (CCCG)
Open To: Public
Number of Plots: 11
Plot Size: 7 x 20
Cost per Plot: $30.00 with a $10.00 refund when plot is cleaned out in the fall. (Subsidise maybe available contact CCRC)
Services Provided: Tool shed, water, compost and plants included
Our community garden serves to empower people through self-sufficient opportunities, allowing our community members to engage in sustainable livelihood and reap the benefits of such resources. The experience that our gardeners, volunteers and community as a whole gain from the community garden is priceless. Benches allow residents, young and old, to sit and enjoy the progress of this garden. Planting with CCCCG allows residents to come out and mingle with each other and produce some wonderful fresh vegetables for summer and fall meals.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Amy Slack
Phone: 519-621-2930
Social Media Links:…
125 Champlain Blvd Christopher-Champlain
Cambridge N1R