Country Hills Community Garden
Open To: Public (all Kitchener residents with priority given to those living within the Country Hills Community)
Number of Plots: 70
Plot Sizes:
4ft x 4ft (priority to children & youth)
4ft x 12ft
10ft x 12ft
16ft x 16ft
Cost per Plot: $5-35
Services Provided: Land, water, compost, shed with tools, greenhouse, communication board
The Country Hills Community Gardens are designed to bring neighbours together through a shared interest. Built with intention the new space within the Country Hills park will encourage diversity, relationship building and education. Cultivating the land through individual and communal spaces will ensure that neighbours of all ages, abilities and income levels are able to join and participate. Comprised of over 50 garden beds, 200 feet of berry bushes and a mini apple orchard, the Country Hills Community Gardens are sure to be a neighbourhood gathering spot for years to come!
Contact Information
Phone – 226-444-0690
Email –
Contact Name: Alicia Miller
Social media:
Instagram: @chcgardens
Country Hills Community Gardens (or CHC Gardens)
365 Country Hill Dr, Kitchener ON, N2E 2C1