Forest Hill United Church Community Garden

Open To: Individuals and families

Number of Plots: 13

Plot Size: 10.5′ x 11.5′

Cost per Plot: No cost (volunteering time for maintenance of pathways required)

Services Provided: Garden shed, tools, land, composting barrels, water from rainbarrel for watering, wood chips


In the spring of 1996, a group of volunteers from the Forest Hill United church started a small potato patch on church property. They were responding to the social assistance cutbacks and the increasing demand on the Food Bank of Waterloo Region’s services. In 2002 the Waterloo Region provided a grant to support the purchase of used lumber to create raised garden beds and defined pathways.

Contact Information

Contact Name: Greg and Rene Benoit

Phone: 519-744-3481 (church)



121 Westmount Rd E Forest Hill

Kitchener N2M 4Y6

Phone 519-744-3481