Heasley Park Healthy Harvest Community Garden

Open To: All members of the community

Number of Plots: 11

Plot Size: Various Sizes

Cost per Plot: $10.00

Services Provided: Garden plot, water, tool shed with a limited selection of garden tools.

Description: The garden was established in Heasley Park through the City of Waterloo’s Partners in Parks Program. It was created to serve anyone in the community having a desire grow and harvest their own flowers & vegetables. Nearby walking trails and a children’s playground make this location ideal for the whole family to enjoy the outdoors.

Contact Information:

Inquiries are welcome through the Sunnydale Community Centre

508-H Sunnydale Place, Waterloo

Phone: cell : 229-581-5539

Garden coordinator: Megan MacDonald

Email: macdonaldmegan1092@gmail.com

Social Media Links: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SunnydaleCommunityWaterloo/


Heasley Park between Cedarbreae Ave. and Parkside Dr.

Waterloo N2L