Kitchener Downtown Community Health Centre Garden

Open To: Participants of the KDCHC gardening program.

Number of Plots: 5 Demonstration plots.

Plot Size: Stock tanks at varying heights.

Cost per Plot: N/A

Services Provided: Gloves, tools, sometimes seeds and supplies


Gardening program participants meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month (10:00am-12:30pm) from February to October to enjoy gardening together. Each session includes information about gardening through informal discussions or gardening workshops as well as time to work in KDCHC demonstration garden. It is an opportunity to meet new people, get some fresh air, garden together, learn new things, and have some fun!

Contact Information

Contact: Almira

Telephone: 519- 745-4404 ext 209


44 Francis St S City Commercial Core

Kitchener N2G