KW Urban Harvester (KWUH) Community Garden
Currently located on two sites:
WLU’s Northdale site ( 66 Hickory Street West, Waterloo)
Emmanuel United Church (22 Bridgeport Rd W, Waterloo)
Open to: Laurier students and other interested gardeners
Number of plots: Northlake Site:10 individual plots plus 1 communal
Plot Size: Varies
Cost per season: Free, donations welcome
Services provided: Land, water, garden tools
Description: KW Urban Harvester’s aim is to have multiple plots throughout KW. This garden is sponsored by Laurier Students’ Public Interest Group. KWUH vision is to transform urban green spaces into anything sustainably edible. KHUH seek to educate themselves on how to grow food in urban settings, preserve the harvested vegetables and seeds, and the basics of how to make a profit out of urban farming. They match donations of back yard plots with gardeners and are supportive of SPIN gardening. Their practicing agricultural techniques are based on the principles of permaculture, biointensive agriculture and forest gardening design.
Contact Information
Name: KWUH
Facebook: KW Urban Harvester-facebook Group
Website: KW Urban
66 Hickory St