Lakeshore North Community Garden
Open to: members of the community (the public)
Number of plots: 17
Plot sizes: 10’x10′ (ground plots) and 4’x6′ by 2′ high (raised beds)
Cost: Free
Services: Water on site, composting, raised beds, (no shed)
Description: A garden for those in the Lakeshore North Neighbourhood in Waterloo. We have a variety of flowering and berry bearing bushes creating a ‘fedge’ fruit/bush fence along one side and a newly planted all-native pollinator garden for everyone to enjoy.
The community garden is located in the centre of the Lakeshore North neighbourhood in north Waterloo in the middle of Pinebrook Park next to the school grounds of Northlake Woods Public School with easy paved paths through the park providing several road access points.
Contact Information
Colin Read
635 Sprucehurst Crescent
Waterloo, Ontario
N2V 2E3