L’Harmonie/Vermont Park Neighborhood Garden
Open To: All residents of Waterloo Region (priority to those living in the neighbourhood and in particular the nearby apartments)
Number of Plots: 16 (1 accessible plot)
Plot Size: 10′ x 10′ – 12′ x 12′ – 6′ x 12′
Cost per Plot: $20.00 Cost may be waived for low income gardeners
Services Provided: Land, water, soil, compost
This garden began in 2012 as a joint venture between the Vermont Neighborhood Association, Ecole L’Harmonie, Transition KW and the Multicultural Community Gardens. The garden provides the opportunity to grow food and educate school and community members on the social and environmental benefits to community gardening. Additionally, gardeners can expand their knowledge, share ideas, and create friendships.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Stephen Svenson
Email: stephen.svenson@gmail.com
Social Media Links:
158 Bridgeport Road East
Waterloo N2J 2K4