Old Willow Green Community Garden
Open To: All Residents of Kitchener-Waterloo
Number of Plots: 20 (two are raised beds reserved for people with mobility challenges)
Plot Size: 10′ x 10′
Cost per Plot: $10.00 per person, plus labour to maintain the communal portions of the garden.
Services Provided: Land, water, communal herb beds, community bread oven (in Extension Garden)
Located in Raddatz Park bordering Cherry Street. Surrounded by a rustic wooden fence, perennial herbs planted around the inner garden for the use and enjoyment of all the gardeners. Individual gardeners are expected to plant their plots by the end of May using organic methods of soil enrichment, pest and weed control. Gardeners are also expected to contribute to labour to maintain the garden and keep it looking good. Garden agreements are signed at the beginning of each garden season. A waiting list for the new season starts January 1st.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Shirley Gosselin
Email: csgosselin17@gmail.com
Raddatz Park (beside 160 Cherry St)
Kitchener N2G