Peace and Carrots Community Garden
Open To: All residents of Waterloo Region
Number of Plots: 16
Plot Size: 5′ x 20′
Cost per Plot: $20.00 (possible refund with year-end clean-up)
Services Provided: Labyrinth, land, water, tools, garden shed, and sitting area
This garden has many beautiful features, including a barn-board shed. Principles of organic gardening are followed. All gardeners are welcome and are encouraged to keep the garden tidy and neat. Produce belongs to the individual gardeners. The peace labyrinth is open to the public 24 hours a day. This 5,000 year old practice is used for meditation, healing and spiritual growth. Anyone is welcome to walk the labyrinth in a journey to inner peace and enjoy the beauty of the garden. A peace pole displays a message of hope “May peace prevail on earth” in Arabic, English, Hebrew, Senecca and Braille.
Contact Information
Contact Name: St James Rosemount United Church
Phone: 519-742-1002
Social Media Links;
171 Sherwood Ave Rosemount
Kitchener N2B 1K2