Planting Calendar
Growing your own food can be both fun and challenging in Ontario. Like many generations of people before you, you are at the mercy of our crazy climate. Luckily, many people have sorted out what grows best when, and there is a wealth of information available online, at local nurseries, green houses and within your community. If you like books, there are many garden guides available in local libraries or at the Public Health Resource Centre. Find a book that interests you and answers your questions about gardening.
New gardeners are often overwhelmed by the thought of starting a garden from scratch. Community gardens are a great place to start gardening because there are often other people who are skilled gardeners and can offer advice. Generally, gardening success depends on proper planning. Choosing the perfect spot for your gardens, right seeds or healthy plants that will meet your needs, building your soil profile and the right amount of sun and water are crucial.
Are you unsure about when to start planting your vegetables? Which veggies need to be grown indoors first, or which can be planted straight into your garden? Check out these two websites for information on starting your vegetable garden: