Rain Water Harvesting
Safety is important when using Rain Water to water your garden! As the water is not sterilized, there is always a risk of bacteria getting into the water. Gardeners should take precaution by:
Use a “do not drink” sign on your water collection system to remind people it is not drinkable.
Water the soil not the plant to avoid getting potential bacteria from the water on your plants.
Washing your hands and produce well with potable water before eating can remove up to 98% of bacteria.
Some people recommend using a 3 part water and 1 part vinegar to further clean their produce.
Keep the rainwater tank clean and free of debris – have the water tested.
Keep the rainwater tank in a shaded area as the warmth of the sun may encourage bacteria growth.
Use a fine screen of about 1.2 mm. to prevent any insects or debris from getting into any open rain water system.
Paint your water collection system a dark colour to prevent growth of Algae
Please visit the following links for further information on rain water harvesting: