St. Mary’s Community Garden
Open to: 1) Circle of Friends participants and volunteers 2) St. Mary’s parish volunteers 3) Any community members who are interested in creating community and belonging in downtown Kitchener
Number of Plots: The entire garden is a shared plot; no individual plots
Plot Size: 5 raised beds (6ft x 2.5 ft), 3 planter boxes (6 ft x 2 ft)
Cost per Plot: FREE
Services Provided: Shed, tools, compost, soil, water
This is a community program is made from a partnership between St. Mary’s parish and Circle of Friends. We gather once/week on Wednesdays at 11am to tend to the garden together, learn from each other, and create community and belonging. Located at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 56 Duke St. W., Kitchener
Contact Information
Contact Name: Jaqueline Heidenreich
Phone: 519-576-3860 (St. Mary’s office)
Social Media Links: Facebook: @StMarysKitchener (St. Mary Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church)
Instagram: st.maryschurchdtk
Duke Street West 56
Kitchener N2H 3W7
Phone 519-576-3860