St. Moritz Park Garden (Clair Hills Community Garden)

Open to: residents in the boundaries of Clair Hills Community Association

Number of Plots: 10

Plot size: 4’x6′

Cost per plot: $25 ($15 rent + $10 deposit)

Services Provided: Water, Shed with tools, Raised beds


The community garden is right next to the Tennis court at St. Moritz Park. It is for use by residents of the Clair Hills community by application only. Anyone who lives in the Clair Hills community and wants a garden plot is encouraged to email us at to let us know about their interest. We try our best to give everyone a chance by doing a lottery if more than 10 interested gardeners submit their interest.

Contact Information


Contact Name: Riya Biswas

Social Media:


506 Saint Moritz Avenue

Waterloo N2T 2Z4