Wallenberg Park Community Garden
Open to: Preference will be given to those who live in and around the Auditorium neighbourhood. Plots not allocated to Auditorium or neighbouring residents may be allocated to Kitchener residents from outside the neighbourhood area.
Number of plots available: 25 (application link below)
Plot size: 4×6
Cost per plot: An annual plot fee of $25 (per plot) is due in full by June 1st (e-transfer, cash or cheque). If the $25 garden fee poses a barrier – please contact the garden committee at wallengarden@gmail.com as subsidies are available.
Services provided:
Wallenberg Park Community Garden relies on the commitment, collaboration and contributions of all its members to run. Upkeep, maintenance and administration duties are shared by all members. Members must adhere to guidelines set out by the Wallenberg Park Community Garden Committee and rules outlined by the City of Kitchener for Community Gardens.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Caitlin
Email: wallengarden@gmail.com
Social Media Links: https://www.facebook.com/wallengarden/?paipv=0&eav=AfZzD4Y7JSWzJkPE_lHp91lQH7KoKbjgb9TOY18JDko7W4zTXmc9YiPEWFLqe0cqlnk&_rdr
Application link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSflc8e9NWGMc21swYbaGHlAoF2Ar3H7aKskpcW_j11clK-7Vw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
160 Weber Street East Kitchener, ON, Canada N2H 1E4