Waterloo Regional Police Garden Allotment Program
Open To: All members of the Community and Community Groups
Number of Plots: 20
Plot Size: 10′ x 12′
Cost per Plot: $20.00
Services Provided: Water, shed, tools, onsite washrooms
The gardening space is surrounded by flower gardens and benches for visitors to be able to enjoy. The Waterloo Regional Police Garden is actively accepting interested parties on a first come first serve basis. Please contact Cst. Donnelly at South Division – 176 Hespeler Road to inquire about renting a plot.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Cst. Chris Rose
Phone: 519-653-7700 ext: 2218
Email: christopher.rose@wrps.on.ca.
Social Media Links:
176 Hespeler Rd
Cambridge N1R
Phone 519-653-7700 x 2218