Williamsburg Common Ground Community Garden
Open To: Williamsburg neighborhood residents in Kitchener
Number of Plots: 32
Plot Size: 4×10, 4×6, 2×8 (raised table height accessible beds)
Cost per Plot: $35 for the 4×10; $25 for the 4×6 and 2×8 beds
Services Provided: Dirt filled beds (8 inches deep, water, straw mulch and access to shared tools)
Executed in 2024, the community garden is located in Max Becker common in Williamsburg, across the Williamsburg Community Center.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Neha
Phone: 1 905 226 5393
Email: volunteer.agg.neha@gmail.com or communitygarden@williamsburgcommunity.ca
Social Media Links: Williamsburg Common Ground Community Garden
Max Becker common, Williamsburg neighborhood (across the street from 315 Max Becker Dr.)
Map location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/ipCSzMS9aJJrUuE86
Kitchener, N2E 4H9